(078) 926-2755 info@ecopizzaovens.co.za

Looking for perfect pizza recipes to utilise when using your awesome pizza oven? Keep reading for a tried and tested, lip-smacking recipe!


1/2 cup (125ml) garlic oil (see related recipe), plus extra to drizzle
2 cups (500ml) good-quality tomato pizza sauce
1 cup (150g) kalamata olives
10 slices Primo Gourmet Selection Prosciutto, torn
2 x 150g Mozarella cheese (see note), sliced 1cm thick
250g cherry tomatoes
1 cup basil leaves
7g sachet dry active yeast
2 teaspoons caster sugar
500g strong (baker’s) flour


Step 1
For bases, stir yeast and sugar in a bowl with 300ml warm water. Stand for 15 minutes or until bubbles appear on the surface. Place flour in a large bowl and stir in 2 teaspoons salt. Add yeast mixture to flour and mix with your hands to just combine. Place in a mixer with dough hook and knead for 5 minutes. (Or knead with your hands until smooth.) Divide into 6 balls. Place on a lightly oiled tray spaced apart, cover with a clean tea towel and stand in a warm place for 2 hours or until doubled in size.
Step 2
Preheat oven to 220°C or the woodfired oven to 400°C. Roll each ball out on a lightly floured surface, rolling from the inside to the outer edge, to form a 24cm round. Brush each base with 1 tablespoon garlic oil, then spread with a thin layer of sauce, leaving a 2cm border. Scatter with olives, prosciutto, cheese and tomatoes.
Step 3
Bake in the oven for 7-10 minutes, or place in the centre of the woodfired oven for 2-3 minutes until cheese has melted and bases are crisp and light golden.
Step 4
Scatter with basil and drizzle with garlic oil. Slice and serve immediately.

Don’t have a pizza oven of your own to utilise pizza recipes with? Get in touch with us for a quote today.